2M News Project
get familiar with the English speaking news/headlines available in magazines or on the net.
use specific vocabulary in connection with the world of the media
practise your oral expressions skills (pronunciation, fluency, accent)
use your grammar and vocabulary basics in context
during the next few weeks, you will be asked to keep in touch with the news and headlines of what is going on in Switzerland and in the world. The week(s) before your presentation,you will be asked to select among the issues that are covered in main English-speaking magazines/newspapers or on major TV channels, make a choice of the most relevant ones and present them to the class, as if on TV/online. Make it interactive and captivating.
your presentation should include between 5-6 recent issues/pieces of news (facts) (1-2 min/each)
your presentation should include as many comments on the headlines as pieces of news provided.
the topics covered should lead to an interactive session between the two-three students in charge: these can be shaped into interviews, special reports, … a lively coverage of the news.
props in order to make the presentation as lively and natural as possible are encouraged (microphones, scenery, background picture or noises, ….)
your presentation should last about 10 minutes
one topic should lead to a short class debate (pros/cons) ~ 5 minutes.
Useful links:
Evaluation criteria:
Factual contents (quality of the news delivered) 6 pts
Insightful& relevant comments 3 pts
Level of English (grammar and vocabulary) 3 pts
Accent and pronunciation, fluency 2 pts
Interactiveness, liveliness, 1 pt
Choice of issues, debate leadership 2 pts
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